Wednesday, August 26, 2015

LivNShine shares Whitney's updated Biography

Traveling Healer, Whitney Fisher returned to Montana in July 2015 from two years of walking out on faith to seek the truth about what is going on in the world.  Her decision to go came together as a result of a lifetime of seemingly disparate personal growth experiences which coalesced into a clear picture around four years ago and she felt urgently that there was a need for focused action to be taken for the sake of something much larger than individual concerns.  She did not know what her journey would entail or how she would survive, just knew that she needed to do it and left Missoula in September 2013 with $500 and her packed minivan.

Whitney following her inner guidance on her own merits through being a genuine caring person and an effective team member. She did her very best, held a calm, clear attitude, acted with integrity and earned the respect of a few sponsors who valued her work and together they made it a team effort. Therefore, she was able to gift her services holding logistics roles to support individuals and groups active in forging new pathways for humanity, gave hundreds of healing sessions to people from many cultures, supported the building of an energy efficient generator and is bringing the potential back to Montana and physically did whatever needed to be done.

Her journey wove her through sixteen US states and twelve countries where she touched the hearts of many people, built relationships and participated in Earth's evolutionary shift in consciousness among multi-national groups. She intended to glimpse the subtle forces at work and see the larger picture of the truth so that effective action could be developed to tip the scales toward true freedom for everyone. She experienced the synchronicity of the group process sharing themes world wide and intends to share the benefit of her learning with all who are open.

Her mission is to do the very highest and best that she can to use her lifetime to expand the boundaries of what is possible for all by doing her part in co-creating an Earth free from slavery and theft of what belongs to us. She feels strongly about connecting our hearts together telepathically through heart centered living and mutually sharing keys to unlocking our inner technology, thereby consciously shifting our world into positive time lines through direct and focused intention together.

Currently she is preparing topics for public speaking, writing a book, offering one-on-one coaching and healing sessions.  She is also spearheading putting together a Cottage Industry Community Unit through the Fix the World Organization to support those who wish to build Quantum Energy Generators for their communities.

InnerTech PlaySpace events in planning regular support group meetings
for conversation in the Missoula Area!

Email Whitney at with any questions

Thank you very much!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Quantum Heart-Mind Journey - July 1st, 2015

Greetings! I am pleased to release my first video!

Here is the link:  LivNShine - Quantum Heart-Mind Journey

It is is a mixture of a bit of everything and is designed as a short break or meditation for you, even though it is more of a play space than a meditation. The core is to share the connection to Earth's Sacred Sites that I have visited so that you can benefit from those energies with a Quantum Heart-Mind contemplation background. The journey is intended to be interactive for you to feel the energy from the sites through the pictures and to help us practice sending gentle support energy out from our hearts to others in the world. Woven in is material from the WingMakers to activate our natural talents and abilities including energetically encoded music from the WingMakers and two songs from Nahko Bear who carries incredible messages through his music. 

Relax and Enjoy! 

 All my best, 


Monday, March 30, 2015

Update from Whitney - March 30th 2015

Greetings to Everyone!

The trees are blooming in North Carolina, spring is in the air and new experiences are afoot!

These past couple months in Charlotte have been magical.  I arrived just before Christmas and found exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. Thanks to a friend's help with living expenses and Azera's welcoming home, I've been able to fully rest and recuperate from a year and half of living on the edge. I am so very grateful!

Azera is the nicest woman you could ever meet with great mother hugs and house tucked in the woods. We have achieved a wonderful harmony in living and both helped each other just when we needed it most.

Synchronicity is showing up in every corner, as it turns out we have the same birthday, same general type of upbringing, similar preferences, her cat is a copy of my cat, same mannerisms and meow, even some childhood experiences with the same themes, we even like the same breed of horse (Friesian).  Our schedules fell in sync so that we have time together and time alone, cooking or not cooking.  My experience here has been like a culmination of my study on intentional communities and how they can flow with people working together. The beauty of this kind of dance is my way of unleashing my creativity and letting my soul shine.

While in Charlotte I have had to opportunity to get to know many in the spiritual community through Azera's friends at meetings and fairs.  There is an awesome group here who are firmly on their own quests for truth and learning.  I am glad to share my healing gifts and connect with a group expressing their talent and artistry.  Now we are forever connected!

Staying in Charlotte with Azera has given me the space to really think though and realize what my experiences following the energetic trail have shown me.  The lessons are powerful. I had hoped to be writing more and sharing sooner, but it has taken quite a bit of time to see the overall themes that can be useful information for any one who is searching.  Now I am embarking on writing a book to share the benefit of my experiences with others!

Strength renewed, backed by the power of my expanded perspective it is time to shift gears again.

Next destination:  Iceland in April and then Spain.  A magical invitation was extended to me by my dear friend Helga Arnardóttir to come experience Iceland and some sacred places there. Then we would head to Spain where Helga has a caravan and let the journey unfold.  This would open opportunities to meet and connect with many people from many different places and allow the time needed to write.

To raise the funds to travel I am offering full Soul Shine distance energy healing sessions for any donation amount. Think of it as an energetic massage, taking off the crusty layers, helping you relax and be more present and clear. It does not matter where you are at, the healing is just as effective over distances and it supports you wherever you are at on your journey. There is no specific place you have to be or anything you need to do, save being opening and willing to receive the help.  Click here for more information. Any one in the Charlotte area, we can also meet in person. Paypal accepts debit and credit cards for the donations, the link is on my blog:

Once you have made the donation, please email me at so I can communicate with you on the healing! A session might not be right for you, keep me in mind, you may know someone in need, so please pass this information on! My appreciation and gratitude in advance!

Also, I am looking to find who is interested in sessions with Thor Gundersen from Norway, if you are, please email me by April 10th so I can find out if we have enough interest to schedule something. Find more details here:  Thor Gundersen.

Like many others called out to walk in uncertainty for the sake of something new, I am discovering my purpose while living it. The situations I have put myself in have grown me to be a more loving being who can does best she can at every moment of now, openly, authentically and willingly. LivNShine is my blog name because this is what I am doing. It is very simple, I am BEing the change I wish to see in the world, Living it with my actions and Shining it where ever I find myself.

Thank you for reading my update and I hope to be of healing service to you if I can!

In gratitude and appreciation, I wish the very best for you!



Monday, March 16, 2015

InnerTech Play Space Event - Thor Gundersen - April 2015

Group Skype Deprogramming Workshop with Thor Gundersen from Norway.

Thor is an extremely talented deprogramer, in one workshop he deprograms billions upon billions of energetic programs from your past, present and future, the people you've interacted with and will interact with, your multidimensional self and all your embodiments on earth or otherwise in various systems.

He is very no-nonsense, clear and to the point. He packs the session with healing that continues working for months.  It is best to come, clear of mind and not get caught up in trying to understand it all as he is going through the de-programming. You can feel him working on you before the workshop begins.

When I contacted Thor about doing sessions here, he was very interested and immediately took me through a healing session, now it is weeks later and every day there is a new revelation and layer breaking loose. Before the session there were some things I was working on in myself that I had come to an impasse with, nothing was working to release or resolve.  Now many of those issues are sorted out, leaving me feeling fantastic and more free of limitations.  

For those looking to develop their super skills one of Thor's workshops is very appropriate. The link below is a blog regarding Thor and includes links to his work: Blog and Information on Thor Gundersen

The session is $250 and includes follow up with Thor after the event.  Please read about Thor's work and gauge if it is interesting to you, then email by April 10th if you would like to participate, regardless if you think you can afford it or not or where you are located.  The group will be working together before the workshop to support each other in manifesting all the is required.

Once we have enough people interested, we can schedule the details.


On the InnerTech Play Space - Whitney's commitment is to develop the skills and capacities of the 95% DNA we are currently not utilizing. The InnerTech Play Space is for those interested in being part of a group of people who are pushing the boundaries of consciousness, developing skills such as telepathy, manifestation, teleportation, expanded sight and awareness and so on. In her travels she has met some truly amazing people whose talents she thinks are very important to share and the InnerTech Play Space is a format for exceptional people to share themselves.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Whitney's Energetic Trail - September 2013 to February 2015

This is my trail since leaving my Montana home and friends in September of 2013 with $500 and a packed '98 mini van. My Soul has a plan for me, which I could only grasp enough of, to take the first step and then the next and next. In a year and half, I traveled through 16 US states and 11 countries and met hundreds of people from all over the world!


Thursday, January 15, 2015

InnerTech Play Space Event - Campfire Social - January 2015

Relax - Enjoy - Be YourSelf

Saturday Afternoon January 17th, 2015
Fire gets going around 4 pm til after dark

At Moon Haven - Azera Moonhawk's home in Charlotte, NC. FB or email for directions.

InnerTech Play Space is any area people come together to learn more about themselves and expand their Super Skills. If you love juicy conversation about life, the Universe and Everything, then this is the place to meet like minded, expand your horizons in a very relaxed, no judgement social gathering around the fire.

Focus of this gathering is  how we can connect with each other through the quantum field.

We are also celebrating Nicole Ronan's 50th Birthday!

See a night clear warm day for our get together.

Bring your camp chairs, warm clothes, beverage of choice, a snack to share and a couple logs for the fire (if you can).

If you would like to burn your Christmas Tree, bring it!  (See the post by Steven Nelson below)

You are very welcome to invite whomever you feel would enjoy and once we have the fire going, the conversation doesn't have to stop unless we run out of wood!

Please send Whitney a message on FB or email if you are coming!